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Flugzeugabgase Schatten
Air Travel Compensation
Air travel is a huge burden on the environment. I try to make amends by compensating all flights with MyClimate (

Solarpreis 2020 Schatten
Swiss Solar Award 2020
In October 2020 Armin Binz was awarded the Swiss Solar Award 2020 for People by Solar Agency Switzerland. From the laudation: "His development of the MINERGIE-P building standard for the cantons is groundbreaking. With this, he laid the most important foundation stone for the implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement. To this day, Prof. Binz continues to advise experts in Europe, South America and China on energy-efficient construction. For this, Armin Binz deserves the Swiss Solar Award 2020".

Givoni CEELA Schatten
Energy Efficiency in Buildings in Latin America (CEELA)
Since 2020, Armin Binz has been working as an expert in the CEELA project, which is financed by the Swiss government. The aim is to advance the skills for planning and realizing energy-efficient and comfortable new buildings in hot areas in four Latin American countries (Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Mexico). In addition to teaching and information events for experts, pilot projects also play a major role. The project consortium is led by Ernst Basler and Partners (EBP).

Sinergia Minergie Schatten
Minergie Chile
A REPIC project that started in 2020 (more...). The Minergie standard is to be introduced in Chile in a simplified form. Its advantages - simplicity, communicability and the combination with comfort and high value preservation - are also promising in Chile. To achieve this, "Minergie Chile" must become Chilean - in other words, it must have a local presence and be active locally. Minergie has the project management and is working closely with EBP Chile in Santiago to this end. Armin Binz is contributing his many years of experience in the development of building energy standards and their market launch.

Balance entalpa Colegio Verde Monteria Schatten
School Renovation in the Energy City of Montería, Colombia
Within the framework of the Energy Cities Program in Colombia, co-financed by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), a school renovation in the city of Monteríain the tropical north of Colombia in 2019 demonstrated how a consistent energy concept and a simple technical system can be used to create an indoor climate that promotes learning in this hot and humid climate without excessive electricity consumption by standard facade cooling units, which are used in large numbers in hot areas all over the world. The project was led by Ernst Basler und Partner (EBP).

Building energy certificate China SSLCC Schatten
Within the framework of the Sino-Swiss Low Carbon Cities Project (SSLCC) financed by the Swiss government, which was implemented under the leadership of the company Generis in Schaffhausen and completed at the end of 2019, the energy analysis and renovation of existing buildings in China played an important role. Armin Binz contributed his detailed knowledge of the building energy certificate of the cantons (GEAK) to this project. In intense cooperation with Chinese experts from the China Academy of Building Research (CABR), a concept and calculation model for a Chinese building energy certificate was developed.

Energiekommission Stadt Baden Schatten
Energy Commission of the City of Baden
Since 2014 Armin Binz has been working in the Energy Commission of the City of Baden. An important work was the renewal and continuation of the energy concept for the years 2017-2026 and the implementation of the same in the following years. The city of Baden has been awarded the gold standard of the Energy Cities Program and is therefore committed to a particularly progressive urban energy policy and to far-reaching measures of its own to achieve the energy turnaround.

Gebaeudefoto Serbien Schatten
Energy Efficiency Project in Serbia (MEEMP)
Within the framework of a project financed by the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) under the title "Municipal Energy Efficiency and Management Project" (MEEMP), a number of selected municipalities in Serbia are being supported in renovating municipal buildings in terms of energy efficiency and, in particular, in minimizing greenhouse gas emissions. Armin Binz is involved in the challenging cooperation with the Serbian project partners and experts and advises both in technical and procedural aspects of energy-related building renovations. Ernst Basler und Partner (EBP) is responsible for the project management.
Minergie 2017 Gesamtenergiebilanz Schatten
Minergie 2017
In June 2017 the temporary mandate as deputy managing director of Minergie, with the purpose of leading the development of the new building standards "Minergie 2017", has come to an end. The standards were introduced as planned on January 1, 2017 and have caused a lot of attention due to their fundamental innovations. Now I accompany the further development and introduction as an external expert (

Energieholz in Coyhaique lght Schatten
"Energía en Construcciones", Chile
In February 2016, REPIC, the platform of the three Federal Authorities BFE, DEZA and SECO to promote renewable energy and energy efficiency in international cooperation, approved our project "Energy in Construction in Chile" (more...).
The project involves Ernst Basler + Partner AG Chile, Nova Energie AG Basel and Binz Energie am Bau GmbH. The lead management is located at EBP Chile, which is based in Santiago. It was about the promotion of energy-efficient construction in Chile. The basis was to realize pilot projects of energetic renovations in three Chilean cities. Between these three cities and the city of Berne a cooperation agreement under the sign of the Energy City movement exists. At the center of the REPIC project were three pilot projects: Existing buildings, which are to be renovated exemplary energetically. This is combined with intensive communication and training activities to spread the know-how of energy-efficient construction. After months of cooperation between the project partners via e-mail and Skype, a longer stay with me took place in November 2016 with consultations and training sessions on site. The project was completed in 2018.
Titelblatt 2020 Energieeffizientes Bauen Schatten
Energieeffizientes Bauen (Energy Efficient Building), reworked 2020
Energy efficient building - a large field of knowledge which is rapidly changing – depicted and summarized on 150 pages.
Binz Armin et al: "Energieeffizientes Bauen – Konzepte, Kriterien, Systeme", 150  Seiten, german, Zurich, 2014. Supply (also in french):  Download (free of cost) or as Book at Faktor Verlag, or, ISBN: 978-3-905711-28-8