Our Contribution to the Energy Turnabout
Energy Renovation of Buildings
Presentation on "Systematic Decision-Finding according to the SIA pre-standard 2047 ' Energy Renovation of Buildings'", in german, SIA-Conference, September 24, 2015, Bern
Towards a Sustainable Energy Supply
The change to a sustainable energy supply system will need time. The diagrams below depict the flows of end use in Switzerland today and in 50 years (source: EnergieRespekt). They show the basic and structural differences of this transition. In spite of growth and better comfort the technologies of efficiency and substitution reduce the demand of energy by more than 40%. The large part of this reduction comes out of the renovation of the building stock. The consequent use of the exergy content of all energy carriers leed to a more complex energy supply system and a shift towards a full electrification of all sectors of society.
Transformation des Energiesystems Schweiz über 50 Jahre: Reduktion des Bedarfs vor allem von Niedertemperaturwärme für Gebäuden, hochwertige Energieträger einsetzen, um Umweltwärme für Niedertemperaturverwendungen zu nutzen, Ersatz nichtnachhaltiger Energieträger durch Erneuerbare.
Endenergieflussdiagramm CH 2065 mit Zahlen